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SASE Workshop Schedule and Calendar Read more... ×

SASE Workshop Schedule and Calendar

Maedeh Mostofirad

Prior to submitting request in Calendar for any SASE workshop, please review the following Guideline:

We are unable to approve any request for the last week of each month since it's SASE upgrade Maintenance week.

1- Please ensure that all requests are submitted on the SASE Calendar at least 4 days prior to the workshop event:


2- We cannot approve requests for more than 30 SASE instances.

3- We are unable to approve any request that would cause the total number of daily requests to exceed 30 instances.

4- Please remember to emphasize the training's purpose and the expected number of attendees in the "Note" section.

5- And Finally,  you'll be able to review your scheduled Workshop session on the Hands-On Lab page:



Thank you in advance
FortiDemo Team